Wednesday, August 12, 2009

turn back from illness to health

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Also we must remember that these de­cisions are not irrevocable. We can and do change our minds. We can and do reverse our course, and turn back from illness to health.
Naturally, I believe that while the choice for illness or health is made emotionally, it is carried out through the physical mechanisms of the body.
Against doubts, questioning, and ignorance, against the natural re­sistance of the reasoning mind, which is reluctant to believe what can­not be seen or touched, it is necessary to repeat, time and again, that we poker-faced civilized people are moved by impulses and inspirations, by feelings and emotional drives which our clear reason can never un­derstand so long as we employ only physiological methods to examine them.


  1. can help to calm the frantic, driven feeling of anxiety and bring about a more objective and less frightening perspective of a situation

  2. we can also see these measures as lirst aid to body and mind in the struggle for health in which the whole human being is involved

  3. By themselves these aids of medicine will not silence altogether the troubling whispers from within

  4. Perhaps to make up for lost time, or perhaps to conceal from herself the growing suspicion that he was becoming indifferent, she plunged into more active living. She took a part-time job. She be­gan to go out socially, and to stay out late at night. Her visits to my office became increasingly irregular.

  5. Until this time, X-rays and other tests showed consistent healing of the lungs. Then one night of a blizzard, after an unsatisfactory evening at a concert, our young woman was unable to find a taxi and walked home through the snow in silk sandals.

  6. The next day she had the grippe. It was her first temperature in six months. A bladder complication prompted me to take her to the hos­pital. I feared a relapse of the tubercular infection, but the urologist found the infection nontubercular and her bronchitis showed no evidence of her old disease.

  7. Hypothyroidism: See: The Story of a "man-tree": an unusual disease inhabitant of Indonesia

  8. Yeast Infection : Lucky not only significantly better health for themselves (remember, these were middle-aged mice), but also significantly increased their life cycle. Scientists nod on resveratrol - a small molecule, but a powerful herbal antioxidant contained in the bones and skin of grapes.
