Tuesday, August 11, 2009

population's living under such strain

Hypothyroidism : During the blitz over London, Winston Churchill writes in Their Finest Hour, it was feared that plague or epidemic must occur as a result of a population's living under such strain, with little sleep, crowded together in shelters every night, struggling to keep home and work go­ing under unimaginable difficulties. Meanwhile the shattered sewers were pouring possible epidemic into the Thames River.
"The fact remains," he reports, "that during this rough winter the health of the Londoners was actually above the average. . . . The power of enduring suffering in the ordinary people of every country, when their spirit is aroused, seems to have no bounds."
But we do not need a war to unlock the dynamic resources within people. Everywhere, every day, people go about their tasks without weari­ness if they have a goal and are supported by enthusiasm and belief in what they are doing.


  1. Obviously, then, when my patient suddenly confounded the clinical evidence and made her about-face toward recovery, I was just as baf­fled as her friends. True, I had experienced miracles in medicine, and had learned to rate them somewhat higher than merely the exception to the rule.

  2. I had not, however, experienced the healing power of words. I did not suspect that the words one speaks as a release from an in­tolerable burden, in those rare moments when one feels understood by another, are not like the words of ordinary speech. I did not know that words of explanation and reassurance, born out of compassion, may be as healing as potent drugs.

  3. And added to all this was the well-known fact that almost every child
    or adult living in a city experiences a tubercular infection, recognized or unrecognized, at one time or another. And finally statistics show that some twelve per cent of the world's population die of this universal scourge.

  4. But how did science explain this phenomenon, that one individual survives the infection with no apparent bad aftereffect, and another be­comes ill and dies?
    Predisposing factors have been named, a long list of them, with environment near the top of the list. Poorly ventilated dwellings and work shops, slums, asylums, damp and dark tenements have been de­scribed as breeding places of the bacillus

  5. Hypothyroidism: If between the eyebrows runs vertical wrinkle, it means your liver is working in an intensive mode. Enlarged pores on the forehead indicate insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle.

  6. Yeast Infection : This study took more than 3000 thousand people. Their ages ranged from 23 to 90 years. Cardiovascular system at early risers patients was significantly vulnerable to such dangerous diseases such as heart attacks and hypertension.
