Monday, August 17, 2009

newly invented preservative

JECFA - this is the first but not the last obstacles in the way newly invented preservative. After the international recognition it will be certified in a particular country. For example, in Russia the study of food additives is the Institute of Nutrition of RAMS. Here they are re-testing, further evaluate the safety and re-set daily rate. It should be noted that in some cases, JECFA requirements are subject to a correction. For example, local regulations of many conservatives are much tougher than in America or the European Union. Thus, the permissible weight of sodium nitrite in the United States is 150-200 mg, while in Russia it is only 50 mg per kilogram of product. This difference is explained very simply: The preservative used in the manufacture of sausages and mince. It was proved that the Russian eats these products is much more the average American, so ultimately the annual amount allocated in the organism nitrite in both cases roughly the same. This example shows that to determine the maximum permissible concentration is important, any fines, even such as the peculiarities of the national food.


  1. Hypothyroidism: In 2006, our region has been officially registered about 23 thousand cases of diffuse goiter, a year - already 25 thousand, and in the last year - almost 27. There is a large number of inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, called thyroiditis. Overall, people with thyroid cancer 90-95 thousand. However, if we assume that each of the identified patient had three or four unidentified, it suffers from this serious disease to 400 thousand of our countrymen! These data led "Donbass" the chief endocrinologist at the Donetsk region, the chief physician of endocrinology clinic

  2. Yeast Infection : Winston Churchill liked to drink. It was an incredible performance and high life expectancy. In the morning, dictating to his secretary, he could make a few good sips of whiskey and soda. Then, at dinner, drink champagne and after dinner have a few ryumochek brandy or a couple of glasses of red wine. Since Churchill was wont to work until three o'clock in the morning, after midnight, and he allowed himself a little more whiskey. But in general, more than half a bottle of strong alcohol per day, British Prime Minister did not drink.
