Wednesday, August 12, 2009

in history it became possible for millions to live crowded together

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The infectious diseases, however, offered a ready battleground for the new scientific warfare on man's afflictions, and step by step ancient superstitions began to dissolve before the searching light of science. Scrums were developed for the plagues which had terrorized man for centuries. For the first time in history it became possible for millions to live crowded together, free from the fear of epidemic. Without modern sanitation New York City could not exist.
Water Reed, with his heroic human guinea pigs, proved that a mos­quito carried yellow fever. Wassermann came forth with his serum test syphilis. Ehrlich introduced its first effective cure. Schick produced not only an immunization for diphtheria but also a test for susceptibility. Salk developed an effective vaccine against poliomyelitis, and Sabin an immunity by using live virus.


  1. Let us recall my first visit to the tuberculous patient in her hotel suite. She had answered the routine questions about the beginning of her illness: the approximate time, the initial symptoms, the first er­roneous diagnosis. Then, apparently under the impact of revived emotions, she revealed something really important: she knew the very day when "it" began.

  2. A few minutes later she made another of these almost involuntary i evolutions. She was speaking of the first X-rays and the extent of the lesions in her lungs which they revealed. She ridiculed the doctor who has treated her for nicotine poisoning. She said, with a flash of anger, she knew all along how sick she was.

  3. Words are sometimes used to hide rather than to reveal.

  4. Hypothyroidism: Hands. Swelling and seals on the palms - is a syndrome of inflammation and arthritis. Inflammatory processes in such places tend to be associated with the emergence of various tumors in the body.

  5. Yeast Infection : Japanese scientists say that people who prefer to go to bed early and wake up with the first rays of the sun, much more vulnerable to diseases of the heart and blood vessels than those who like to soak up a little longer in bed. Several hospitals and universities in the Japanese city of Kyoto, united, have conducted studies in which apparent relationship between the state of the heart and vessels Rights and the time of his awakening, said resource For-health.
