Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What harm is caused by male hormones?

Excess androgens - the main problem of many teenagers who suffer from oily skin and acne skin rashes. Indeed, women's ovaries to release three major types of male hormones:
- Testosterone;
- 5-testosterone (dihydrotestosterone, DHT);
- 5-androstenediol.
However, the enhanced development of fat is linked not only to the level of androgens in the blood, but with special enzymes:
- Protein HBG - globulin, which binds sex hormones - testosterone in the lack of which is connected to sebaceous glands;
- Increasing the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase affect the increased production of fat from the skin of the growth of androgen;
- Androgen-reductase type I - also increases the number of androgen receptors.
Skin glands are still working under the influence of the fetus and the mother's own hormones, heredity, and therefore makes their formulation. At puberty sebum secretion is increased to 5 times, and changes in its composition (lack of linoleic acid) leads to the formation of eels.

newly invented preservative

JECFA - this is the first but not the last obstacles in the way newly invented preservative. After the international recognition it will be certified in a particular country. For example, in Russia the study of food additives is the Institute of Nutrition of RAMS. Here they are re-testing, further evaluate the safety and re-set daily rate. It should be noted that in some cases, JECFA requirements are subject to a correction. For example, local regulations of many conservatives are much tougher than in America or the European Union. Thus, the permissible weight of sodium nitrite in the United States is 150-200 mg, while in Russia it is only 50 mg per kilogram of product. This difference is explained very simply: The preservative used in the manufacture of sausages and mince. It was proved that the Russian eats these products is much more the average American, so ultimately the annual amount allocated in the organism nitrite in both cases roughly the same. This example shows that to determine the maximum permissible concentration is important, any fines, even such as the peculiarities of the national food.

Feed or not?

- Some women give up breastfeeding, believing that spoil the appearance of the breast.

- This is not the case. Recent studies, for example, American scientists have shown - not the cause of feeding obvisaniya breast. In addition, it helps to avoid cracking nipples, nipple nagrubaniya tissue, blockage Protocols, mastitis, breast infections.

- What products can support the health of the breast?

- Include the menu of products high in vitamins A, E and S: carrots, spinach, apricots, citrus fruits, and cabbage - it is very useful for the skin of mammary glands, but in spite of philistine prejudice does not affect its volume. Brewer's yeast with a high content of thiamine provide breast skin elasticity. Antioxidants contained in fruits, vegetables and green tea, prevents cancer cells. With regard to physical exercise, the size of the mammary glands, they do not change, but «lifts» chest, so it seems bulky.

It is worth noting, enter a calendar of health, said when they were at mammology when you last did ultrasound or mamomografiyu. Berezhenogo God saves! Do not be afraid to go to the doctor. Sometimes a woman finds a nodule, and sits at home, afraid. But we must not do so. Now breast cancer is healed in the initial stage. Well, we, the doctors always help.

Why you breast disease

- Violation of the hormonal balance in the body

- Disease of the thyroid gland, ovaries, etc.

- Abortion

- Later than the first generation

- Mastopathy

- Injuries of mammary glands,

- Stressosovye situation

- Obesity, diabetes, liver disease.

- Alcohol, smoking

- Heredity

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

turn back from illness to health

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Also we must remember that these de­cisions are not irrevocable. We can and do change our minds. We can and do reverse our course, and turn back from illness to health.
Naturally, I believe that while the choice for illness or health is made emotionally, it is carried out through the physical mechanisms of the body.
Against doubts, questioning, and ignorance, against the natural re­sistance of the reasoning mind, which is reluctant to believe what can­not be seen or touched, it is necessary to repeat, time and again, that we poker-faced civilized people are moved by impulses and inspirations, by feelings and emotional drives which our clear reason can never un­derstand so long as we employ only physiological methods to examine them.

subjective experiences

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Physiology describes subjective experiences such as hunger, fear, rage, pain, in physiological terms. Psychology studies the motivation of these emotions. With our present methods, psychological study of people de­pends primarily on verbal communication. We can penetrate another person's subjective experiences only if he can be led to talk about them. Only by inviting him to communicate, by giving him freedom to talk, can we gain insight into the dynamics of emotion, idea, fantasy. Those are the inner drives which, when interfered with, lead to physiolog­ical and eventually to physical changes; in other words, to functional and at last to organic illness.
We must learn to understand and respect the elementary forces within us if we wish to understand what makes illness. Love, hate, fear, guilt, pride, vengeance are the values by which we are moved. Also, as Cicero said, "There is something so penetrating in the shaft of envy that even men of wisdom and worth find its wound a painful one." Our emotions fill us with dynamic power to deal with the problems of living, or they block our intelligence, paralyze our will, and hypnotize our conscious-' ness.

much effort, enthusiasm, and devotion

Hypothyroidism Treatment : But now let us turn to the emotional picture. When he came to the United States for the first time in the early twenties, laurels strewed his path. He was acclaimed as an unsurpassed master in his field by both
the press and the public.
He returned ten years later, a refugee fleeing the Nazi terror. The laurels had faded; the reverence had become perfunctory. The guest of honor was now a competitor, and his welcome accordingly diminished in ardor. One must weigh the effect of this on a man accustomed to liv­ing like an uncrowned king in his Austrian castle.
After a few years of moderate success he determined on a produc­tion which was to be his masterwork. I was told by his friends how much effort, enthusiasm, and devotion he put into his work. The open­ing night critics dealt him a crushing defeat.
One producer told me that this production was too far ahead of the times to be a success. The reason for its failure, however, is im­material. The effect on the patient is what counts, and that was devastat­ing. The Symbolic Three Score and Ten
Shortly afterward he had his seventieth birthday. If success had con­tinued to shine on him he might not have observed that this birthday marked the end of his three score years and ten.

The will to live

Hypothyroidism Treatment : As spectator to this man's struggle between his will to live and a wish to die which grew steadily to overwhelming power, the reader needs to understand not only his state of mind at the time but also his physical condition. Although, as we have learned, both are interwoven, we must know whether he had ever shown himself particularly susceptible to this
or any other illness.
Actually up to the date of the initial attack the patient had been in perfect physical health. There were no symptoms of trouble, no storm signals of any kind. A clinician might point out that overindulgence in nicotine and strong coffee could have affected the condition of the arteries. Yet a cardiologist of great repute found, three weeks after the beginning of the illness, "the heart sounds are excellent . . . the heart itself not dilated . . . the electrocardiogram shows a normal tracing in every respect . . . blood pressure is normal . . . liver not enlarged." Physically, this man was in as good condition as a man can be at his

in history it became possible for millions to live crowded together

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The infectious diseases, however, offered a ready battleground for the new scientific warfare on man's afflictions, and step by step ancient superstitions began to dissolve before the searching light of science. Scrums were developed for the plagues which had terrorized man for centuries. For the first time in history it became possible for millions to live crowded together, free from the fear of epidemic. Without modern sanitation New York City could not exist.
Water Reed, with his heroic human guinea pigs, proved that a mos­quito carried yellow fever. Wassermann came forth with his serum test syphilis. Ehrlich introduced its first effective cure. Schick produced not only an immunization for diphtheria but also a test for susceptibility. Salk developed an effective vaccine against poliomyelitis, and Sabin an immunity by using live virus.

malfunctioning organ persisted in re­maining physically normal and healthy

Hypothyroidism Treatment : In infectious diseases the man with the microscope was fortunate. He could see the invading disease germ. But in certain diseases, such as cancer and arteriosclerosis, he saw tissue changes, but no germ. And the "functional diseases," the gastric disturbances, the asthmas, the heart seizures, were still more baffling. The miscroscope failed to reveal either germ or cellular change; the malfunctioning organ persisted in re­maining physically normal and healthy.
Dedicated scientists hoped that they would one day discover the physiological cause of the tissue changes in the one group of diseases, and that with still more refined technique and still more sensitive instru­ments they would see tissue changes to account for the abnormal be­havior of the organ in the second. But for the answers to these two physiological mysteries, the organic and the functional disease, the man with the microscope is still seeking in vain.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

population's living under such strain

Hypothyroidism : During the blitz over London, Winston Churchill writes in Their Finest Hour, it was feared that plague or epidemic must occur as a result of a population's living under such strain, with little sleep, crowded together in shelters every night, struggling to keep home and work go­ing under unimaginable difficulties. Meanwhile the shattered sewers were pouring possible epidemic into the Thames River.
"The fact remains," he reports, "that during this rough winter the health of the Londoners was actually above the average. . . . The power of enduring suffering in the ordinary people of every country, when their spirit is aroused, seems to have no bounds."
But we do not need a war to unlock the dynamic resources within people. Everywhere, every day, people go about their tasks without weari­ness if they have a goal and are supported by enthusiasm and belief in what they are doing.

heart was normal in size and its function was good

Hypothyroidism Issues : Then he mumbled inarticulately and his left hand waved me to a chair.
The right corner of his mouth was visibly drawn down, indicating paralysis of the facial nerve. When he answered my questions he tried to cover his partial loss of articulation by accenting the final syllable of every word. The right arm showed a mild motor disturbance. His blood pressure was rather high. His heart was normal in size and its function was good.

hemorrhages resulting from psychic trauma

Every doctor can draw out of his files cases of operations, the neces­sity for which might be questioned. Here is one out of my own, a young woman who because of abdominal pain had undergone an ap­pendectomy which resulted in adhesion. Three years later, after a mis­carriage, she had hemorrhages and a painful pulling in the lower ab­domen. Again an operation was performed, during which a small cyst on the left ovary was discovered. The ovary and part of the uterus were removed.
The patient recovered from the operation, only to find her pain still with her. The next year the other ovary, also revealing a cyst, was re­moved. And so at the age of twenty-six she had been deprived of ovaries and uterus—and she still had her pain.
Uterine hemorrhages resulting from psychic trauma have been re­ported many times in medical literature. In this case the young woman had gone through the emotional shock of an unsuccessful marriage and a divorce.
source :

emotional, the wear-and-tear is rea

Life confronts everyone with stressful situations and stress causes wear-and-tear in the body.
Whether the stress is external or emotional, the wear-and-tear is real.
We may not be able to change the situation, but we can change our emotional response to it.
The body will restore itself if we will only allow it to do so, for it is built for hard usage.
source :

Monday, August 10, 2009

patient gratefully accepts this physical explanation ? !

The list of ailments which are now recognized as arising from emo­tional distress grows every day. Obesity is now widely considered a con­sequence of emotional disturbance. The craving for food, for sweets, is interpreted as a sign of insecurity, a craving for love or a gratification in place of love.
There is no reason to wait until we have actually arrived at what the doctors call obesity to take notice. We can draw the inference that we are inwardly troubled while the scale still tells us that we are only "putting on a little weight." Real obesity is difficult to cope with, and physicians regard it as a serious threat to health in itself. We can cope with the tendency before it goes that far, if we are willing to seek the inner cause.
People who are gaining weight generally protest that they eat very lit­tle. Their inability to keep track of all the guilty nibbling they do is part of the same picture, an inability to face the real problem which plagues them. Doctors often find a gland disturbance, and offer this as the cause of the overweight condition. The patient gratefully accepts this physical explanation, since it relieves him of the necessity of facing the real problem. But the glandular disturbance is in fact only another symptom, an earlier step in the chain reaction set off by emotional stress.