Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.


  1. Hypothyroidism: The problem of iodine deficiency, according to WHO concerns 130 countries, but only three, including ours, have no state program to overcome it (the latter ceased to operate in 2005). But the method of prevention - the use of iodized salt - a long time tested, simple and gave results. In the Soviet Union because of this problem has been virtually removed from the agenda.

  2. Yeast Infection : For the salad you can add fish, meat, seafood, while taking into account the "golden mean". Remember, your food canal is not a garbage pit, and "road" in life. Knowingly in Russia said "do not begrudge the abdomen," meaning the value of life.
